Clive Tempest This is not about me. This is about you. It’s about change and consciousness and your contribution to a life of purpose. It’s a time for activism – changing the world by actively changing yourself.

I support you with audio courses, retreats, writings and recordings. I state certain propositions and describe life as I see it. I say that the human species is emerging from five centuries of what I call the Psychological Life, when everybody increasingly became obsessed with themselves – with what they think, how they identify themselves and what more they can achieve in the world.

In living like that we separated ourselves from what is most real and fulfilling in life; and now mostly everyone is unhappy with themselves. I appeal to the individual to break away from those values and ‘live more consciously’ – knowing what we are dealing with, not getting trapped in thinking, anxiety and stress, rediscovering the natural principles of life on earth and living accordingly.

Head and shoulders photo of Clive Tempest facing camera; white hair and neat short beard, slight smile

This is not about me. This is about you. It’s about change and consciousness and your contribution to a life of purpose. It’s a time for activism – changing the world by actively changing yourself.

I support you with audio courses, retreats, writings and recordings. I state certain propositions and describe life as I see it. I say that the human species is emerging from five centuries of what I call the Psychological Life, when everybody increasingly became obsessed with themselves – with what they think, how they identify themselves and what more they can achieve in the world.

In living like that we separated ourselves from what is most real and fulfilling in life; and now mostly everyone is unhappy with themselves. I appeal to the individual to break away from those values and ‘live more consciously’ – knowing what we are dealing with, not getting trapped in thinking, anxiety and stress, re-discovering the natural principles of life on earth and living accordingly.

What I say is that we are all engaged in the evolution of consciousness and each one has a unique part to play in it. This is the time for a shift in consciousness and it is up to the individual to make their contribution.

Could that individual be you? If so, give me a chance and listen to what I’ve got to say. You might think you’ve heard some of it before but don’t listen through what you think you already know. This is new.

I make a radical proposition, but once a person sees the potential for change a certain pressure arises in their intelligence; they realise what they want and their life starts to have more purpose.

If what I say is sufficiently clear and meaningful, then you will naturally take steps to change the direction of your life – simply because you see there’s more good, more love, much less anxiety and stress in living more consciously.

For over 40 years Clive Tempest has been supporting individual transformation and creativity – in the performing arts, in teaching chigung and during his decades of service to the Australian spiritual teacher Barry Long. Clive’s work is original and embraces the whole of life in uniting practical everyday wisdom with the bigger picture of our evolving consciousness – the ordinary with the extraordinary.

Next Event

My current and most recent work has been working with small groups to develop a practice of presence. This is not meditation but it is a sitting practice and I sometimes say it is chigung without moving the body. The next opportunity to discover what this means will be at the Spring Retreat at the end of April 2025. The details of this event are here.


“Clive’s talks are a comprehensive and intelligent study of the way we live now and show us what to do to move on to a better life. It’s a methodology for strengthening ourselves and the human system against the pressure of these ever tougher times. It does what it says. I now enjoy my life more, am less stressed and know what I’m doing with my life.”