I’ve been leading retreats, workshops and residential weekends since 2009, in England, Wales and Finland. I speak about living more consciously and we do some meditative sitting practice. Every day there’s a chigung class to get the fresh energy needed to embody what I speak about. Come and get immersed in a process of change and illumination.
I started to learn taichi forms in 1982 and have been teaching chigung (qigong) for over 15 years locally, where I live in Somerset. Over that time I’ve discovered how the conscious connection with chi greatly enhances what we do in getting free of our past, knowing our presence and living more consciously. The perception of chi informs everything I teach.
My most recent work has been with a small circle of my students, going beyond meditation techniques to directly enter an inner space of ‘pure presence’. This started during the Covid lockdown, when I spent many hours just sitting in my chair by the garden patio doors. One day something suddenly changed and I was in a new state of being. The challenge then was how to communicate it, because it is truly beyond words. I start with a few words and then use the chi in the space of the circle to impart presence to those sitting with me.